Monthly Archives: November 2022

Why You Should Work With A Florida Lawyer When Getting An Uncontested Divorce
Florida is a no-fault divorce state, but that does not mean that all divorces are amicable. No-fault divorce means that when filing for divorce, a spouse does not have to allege legal grounds for dissolving the marriage, nor do they have to prove their spouse was at fault for the breakdown of the relationship…. Read More »

Most Common Criminal Justice System Myths In TV Shows
GUEST POST: In TV shows and movies, criminal defense attorneys are often depicted as brilliant legal minds who can get any client off on a technicality. While it’s true that some attorneys can get their clients’ charges reduced or dismissed, the reality is that the criminal justice system is not nearly as forgiving as… Read More »

Understanding When You Can, And Cannot, Modify Alimony In Florida
In Tampa, as throughout the rest of Florida, there is no guarantee that a judge will award alimony during the divorce process. When it is awarded, a judge will take many factors into consideration. The main factors considered are the requesting spouse’s need for alimony, and the other party’s ability to pay it. Like… Read More »

How To Make Co-Parenting Work In Florida During The Holidays
If you have recently gotten a divorce, you may find the holidays are a very difficult time. Being a single parent during this time can be particularly challenging, and navigating the ins and outs of joint time-sharing can make things even more complex. As the holiday season gets closer, it is not only important… Read More »

How Is Child Support Calculated In Florida?
When making decisions on child support during a divorce case, there is no one fixed number a judge will use. Instead, many different factors are considered when the amount of support is being decided. Below, our Tampa child support attorney explains some of the main factors a judge will consider when trying to resolve… Read More »

How Are Assets Distributed In A Florida Divorce?
There are many issues to resolve during any divorce in Tampa, including the division of marital assets. Many people are under the mistaken belief that when they get a divorce, all assets are divided equally between the two spouses. In Florida, this is not always the case. Although marital assets are divided during any… Read More »

How Does the Length of a Marriage Affect Divorce in Florida?
Please see the following link as some of the information below has changed, since the new alimony law took affect in July 2023: How will the Length of Your Marriage Affect Your Tampa, Florida Divorce? If you are considering divorce, it will be one of the hardest things you have ever had to go… Read More »