Monthly Archives: September 2022

When Does A Florida Uncontested Divorce Become Contested?
Ideally when a couple gets a divorce, they can agree to all the different terms of the case. The most common terms include property division, spousal support, time-sharing, and child custody. When a couple can reach an agreement on their own, they can obtain an uncontested divorce by simply drafting an agreement and submitting… Read More »

What Is Exclusive Possession Of The Marital Home During Divorce In Florida?
In Florida, there is no legal statute that directly addresses the issue of changing the locks on the doors or who gets to keep the home during an ongoing divorce. Whether one person has the right to keep the house depends on whether they have exclusive possession of the marital home. When a couple… Read More »

Burglary And Robbery In Florida: What Is The Difference?
It is a common misconception that burglary and robbery are the same two criminal offenses. Even though many people use these two terms interchangeably, they refer to two separate crimes. Burglary and robbery are listed under different statutes in Florida law, and they each have their own definitions and penalties for those who cannot… Read More »

Do Children Have To Testify During A Florida Divorce?
When a couple gets divorced and they have children together, the whole family gets divorced. Children in divorce cases must be given special consideration. When children are of a certain age, they may remember events that have occurred before and during the divorce. As such, you may worry that your children may have to… Read More »

What Is Discovery During A Florida Divorce?
The divorce process in Florida has many steps. One of the most important of these is the discovery phase of a case. Essentially, the discovery process allows each side to exchange documents and obtain information from the other party. The purpose of discovery is to allow each side to be fully informed about all… Read More »

What To Do After Being Served With Divorce Papers In Florida
Being served with divorce papers is always traumatic, whether you are alone at the time or surrounded by people. A process server or sheriff will visit your work or home, ask you to identify yourself, and then serve you with the divorce paperwork. Regardless of whether you were expecting the divorce or it comes… Read More »

What Happens To A Professional Practice Business In A Florida Divorce?
Other than parenting time and other issues involving children, property division issues are some of the most contentious in any divorce. Dividing assets can become fiercely contested in any divorce case, but the potential for dispute is even greater when complex assets, such as a professional practice, are involved. Professionals in Tampa, and throughout… Read More »

What Does Alimony Cover In Florida?
Alimony is never a guarantee in any Florida divorce, but there are times when it is necessary and the two parties can agree to alimony terms, or a court will issue a judgment regarding alimony. Alimony is not meant to be a “pathway to retirement,” as the Florida Legislature recently debated, and so, permanent… Read More »

What Is The Rising BAC Defense In DUI Cases In Florida?
Most Floridians know that if they are caught driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) greater than 0.08 percent, they may be charged and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). However, there are times when people face these charges even when their BAC was lower than the 0.08 percent outlined in the law…. Read More »