Monthly Archives: April 2022

Who Gets The House in a Florida Divorce?
The divorce process in Florida involves many different processes. One of the most contentious is dividing property. Property division hearings are some of the most stressful for people, as they imagine what belongings they may lose. Of all the assets people are concerned about, one of the biggest is the marital home. A home… Read More »

What Is A Wife Entitled To In Divorce If She Was A Stay-At-Home Mom?
Divorce always has the potential to be unpredictable but for stay-at-home moms, the situation is even more precarious. Approximately one-quarter of mothers in the United States stay home to take care of the children, while only seven percent of men can say the same thing. Women who have stayed home to raise the children… Read More »

How Long Does A Florida Divorce Take?
People have many questions when going through a divorce and one of the most common is how long the process takes. The question is a reasonable one. After all, the divorce process is confusing and comes with a whole mix of emotions. People typically want the process to be done as quickly as possible… Read More »

Does It Matter Who Files For Divorce First In Florida?
If you have been considering divorce, you may have already started thinking about factors that may give you the upper hand in your case. You may have even wondered if filing for divorce first holds any benefits. Truthfully, filing for divorce first does not really give you any legal advantage during your case. However,… Read More »

Does Adultery Affect Divorce In Florida?
Couples divorce for many reasons, and infidelity is at the top of the list. Florida is a no-fault divorce state, which means the spouse that files first does not have to accuse their partner of causing the marriage to fall apart. They simply have to state that the relationship has broken down and there… Read More »

What Criminal Offenses Are Visitors To Tampa Charged With?
Florida’s businesses reopened months ago and finally, the tourism industry in Tampa Bay is starting to thrive once again. Tampa Bay is a great place to visit. With many museums, gorgeous beaches, and some of the best climate in the country, the city has a lot to offer. The majority of tourists to Tampa… Read More »