Monthly Archives: December 2020

Why You Need an Attorney for Your Paternity Case
Establishing paternity is unfortunately not just a matter of completing the paternity acknowledgement form and making sure your name appears on the birth certificate of the child. Even if you sign the form, it may only verify that you are the father and authorize the state to deduct child support from your paycheck. Sadly,… Read More »

What are Reasons to Choose Collaborative Divorce?
Divorce is never easy, but not all cases have to end in a bitter courtroom battle. Collaborative law allows for a form of dispute resolution in which the parties involved come to an agreement on the different terms of the divorce. Throughout the collaborative process, the attorneys for both sides will negotiate with each… Read More »

Why Does Mediation Not Work for Some Couples?
Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution in Florida and for many couples, it is quite beneficial. In certain cases, mediation is more affordable than litigation and it puts the couple in control of the final terms of their divorce. However, while mediation does have many benefits, it does not work for all… Read More »

Florida Firearms FAQs
The Second Amendment gives all Americans the right to possess firearms, but the law is a bit more complicated than that. It is critical that all Floridians understand federal and state law fully, so they can comply with it and avoid legal trouble in the future. Below are some of the most frequently asked… Read More »