Monthly Archives: June 2020

Can You Go to Jail for Violating Curfew?
Protests have been erupting in Tampa Bay, and throughout the rest of Florida. To control the unrest and the looting that sometimes accompany these protests, some mayors around the state have been imposing curfews. These curfews all have different rules but the one imposed on Tampa residents at the end of May lasted for… Read More »

Will Divorce Hurt Your Credit Score?
There is a lot to think about when you are going through a divorce, and your credit score may not be at the top of your mind. However, it is crucial that you do consider your credit score, so you do not walk away from the divorce in a position that could negatively affect… Read More »

What to do if Served with Divorce Papers?
Being served with divorce papers is a scary and uncertain time. The situation is stressful, regardless of whether you were served by a sheriff while at work, or when you were at home with your children. No matter how it happens, if you have been served with divorce papers, you must know what to… Read More »

What Mistakes to Avoid when Separating from Your Spouse?
Florida is a state that does not recognize legal separation. You are either married or divorced, even if you do not live with your spouse during the divorce process, or beforehand. Still, the reality in any divorce case is that you will have to physically separate from your spouse at some point during the… Read More »

Is There More Domestic Violence During COVID-19?
It was in early April that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered a statewide lockdown that pushed people into their homes as the entire country tried to slow the spread of COVID-19. The order was difficult for most people, as they could no longer go to work, spend time with friends, or even just go… Read More »