Monthly Archives: May 2020

When is Posting to Social Media is a Crime?
Social media has provided a revolutionary way to keep in touch with family and friends and share photos, videos, and posts about a person’s life. However, social media does not come without its own complications and sometimes, those can cross into the area of criminal law. Many people do not realize this and soon… Read More »

What Documents Do You Need for an Uncontested Divorce?
When entering into a divorce, many people envision a long and drawn out courtroom battle. It does not have to be this way. Some couples realize that while they want to dissolve their marriage, they do not want the process to be more emotional than necessary and would like to finalize their decision as… Read More »

What to do if Served with an Injunction or Restraining Order?
In Florida, when a person is in fear of becoming a victim of domestic violence, such as aggravated assault, sexual battery, or kidnapping, they can petition the court for an injunction, which is a civil matter, not criminal. If someone is arrested for domestic violence than this would be criminal domestic violence. The civil… Read More »