Monthly Archives: March 2020

How to Deal with Child Custody and Coronavirus?
The aftermath of divorce is always difficult, but the coronavirus is making it even more so. People are expected to distance themselves socially, while others are in quarantine either recovering from the virus, or hoping they do not become sick after coming into contact with someone that has tested positive for the illness. These… Read More »

Can I Use a Postnuptial Agreement as a Substitute for Legal Separation?
Legal separation has many benefits. It allows individuals that are considering divorce to live apart for some time while they consider if divorcing is really the best option. It also allows people that cannot divorce due to religious or other reasons to live like they are divorced without making it official. Unfortunately, Florida does… Read More »

What Things You Must Do Before You File for Divorce?
Filing for divorce is much more than simply filing a complaint with the court. Before filing for divorce, it is important that the spouse filing takes certain steps before the courts are even made aware of the divorce. The six steps below will ensure that a divorce proceeds as smoothly as possible, and that… Read More »

How Do I Deal With an Unreasonable Co-Parent After Divorce?
Divorce is always an extremely difficult thing to go through. When children are involved, it can make it even harder. Unfortunately, the effects of a divorce are often felt even long after the divorce is over. This is sometimes the case when the former spouses are trying to co-parent with each other and one… Read More »