Monthly Archives: February 2020

What are Benefits of a Guardian Ad Litem in Your Divorce?
There are many people involved in a single divorce case. These include the two spouses of course, their attorneys, a possible mediator, judge, and potentially a guardian ad litem (GAL). Divorcing couples typically understand most of these terms, but the possibility of enlisting the help of a GAL is often a new concept. A… Read More »

What are the Elements of Robbery in Florida?
In Florida, robbery is a type of theft crime, but there are elements of it that differentiate it from other types of theft. In Florida, robbery is defined as using force to take property from another person. Robbery does not always include the use of force. Even the threat of force is enough to… Read More »

What are Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement?
When a person is about to get married and hears the words ‘premarital agreement,’ it often strikes fear in their hearts. However, they should not. There are many benefits that come with premarital agreements, and these extend to both spouses. Below are just four of the main advantages that anyone about to get married… Read More »

How do You Reverse an Adoption in Florida?
Note that we no longer practice in this area of the law; however, we recommend because of their excellent reputation in the community. Most of the time, adoption is a joyous experience for the entire family. The family welcomes the child with open arms and in ideal circumstances, that family is a unit… Read More »