Monthly Archives: August 2019

Can You Relocate with a Child After Divorce?
Divorce causes many changes to the family structure, but those changes don’t always stop after the divorce is finalized. Many issues continue to pop up along the way. One of the most common is when a custodial parent wants to relocate with their child. Perhaps they found better schooling for the child, or maybe… Read More »

The Do’s and Don’ts After An Injunction is Issued Against You
If you’ve been accused of a domestic violence offense, such as stalking, or another crime, such as kidnapping, you may soon have an injunction issued against you. Perhaps you’ve already been notified of an injunction. Having an injunction issued against you is a scary thing. It’s likely the beginning of a criminal case, and… Read More »

Challenging a Prenup in Florida
Prenuptial agreements are becoming more common in Florida these days. Many people are waiting until they are older to get married, or are marrying for a second or third time. Some individuals have inherited a family business. In any event, a prenuptial agreement can protect someone’s assets in the case of divorce and usually… Read More »

Different Types of Alimony in Florida?
The concept of alimony in Florida seems fairly straightforward. When a couple gets a divorce, one spouse may receive it, while a judge may require the other spouse to pay it. Many couples however, think that when alimony is ordered, one spouse simply writes a check to the other spouse every month. While this… Read More »

During a Divorce What Happens with Children and Property?
When a couple divorces, they often understand that the courts will divide their property and make decisions on child custody matters. The courts make this decision by issuing final orders that both spouses must follow. However, how are property and child issues handled until that time? What happens while the divorce is ongoing and… Read More »