Monthly Archives: May 2019

How Digital Currency Can Complicate Divorce
The way money moves around the world has changed dramatically over the past few decades, and nowhere is this technological advancement more evident than in the area of digital currency. Bitcoin is the most well-known and exists solely online without any regulation. This means the value can fluctuate wildly, but also that it is… Read More »

Is Your Spouse Hiding Money in Advance of Filing for Divorce?
Filing for divorce starts a long and complicated road of decisions that will affect the rest of a couple’s life, much of which is driven by the fact that marital property must be divided. No one enjoys giving up their property, least of all a spouse who wants out of a marriage, but avoiding… Read More »

Cooperating Through the Divorce Process
The traditional approach to divorce is entirely adversarial, and more often than not, sows the seeds of increased emotional pain, fear, and bitterness that the end of a marriage can produce. This dynamic complicates making rational decisions during the divorce process, moving on once things are finalized, and having any hope of retaining a… Read More »

What to Expect at a DUI Stop
Driving is a necessity that most people could not give up without a huge disruption to their lives. Many laws apply to the operation of a motor vehicle, including the mandate that the person not drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Being arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI)… Read More »