Monthly Archives: January 2019

Child Custody Rights Between Same-Sex Partners
Raising a child is a big job that requires the involvement and input of many people to provide the necessary amount of care. This effort often involves family, friends, neighbors, teachers, and childcare givers all contributing to the child’s wellbeing. For LGBTQ parents, parenting may also come from a partner who is in the… Read More »

Factors that Affect the Time It Takes to Divorce
Once the realization sets in that a relationship is ending, many spouses want the divorce case to be over as quickly as possible to help the healing process. Much of the time it takes to finalize a divorce rests on the level of conflict between the couple, but there are also legal and practical… Read More »

Are There Risks with Doing a Divorce Yourself?
Dealing with the emotional, financial, and psychological fallout of divorce is no small thing, and even couples who know this step is coming still generally walk through the same process to transition to life outside of marriage. The biggest hurdle to moving on is the divorce process itself, and some spouses are intent on… Read More »

Can Assets Be Distributed Before a Divorce Is Final?
The repercussions of divorce do not wait for the court’s decree before exerting a substantial impact on the lives of each spouse. Once the decision to end the marriage is made, immediate consequences follow that influence all aspects of the couple’s life, from living arrangements to finances and parenting. This fallout can be particularly… Read More »