Monthly Archives: October 2018

Will Florida Recognize Your Out-of-State Prenup?
Planning for the future is an integral of marriage, and part of this process should include some consideration of what would happen if things do not work out. Contemplating the possibility of divorce does not have to be viewed as a negative. In fact, prenuptial agreements, the contracts that control the division of property… Read More »

Divorcing a Spouse with Dementia or Other Cognitive Impairment
Any major health issue can place a significant burden on a marriage, but dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitive impairments are particularly difficult to handle. These conditions often make the sufferer unpredictable, sometimes violent, and eventually uncommunicative. The situation may become too much for either spouse, and divorce may become an unfortunate, but necessary option…. Read More »

What to do if Former Spouse Refuses to Pay Alimony?
Alimony typically gets a bad rap in the media and society, as financial support for those too lazy or entitled to take care of themselves. However, alimony is not easy to get, unless agreed to as part of a prenuptial agreement, and rarely lasts beyond a few years – just long enough for the… Read More »

What is Parental Alienation?
Parents generally realize that an environment with lots of conflict is not good for a child’s wellbeing, and divorce can put this knowledge to the test, as it pushes some spouses into highly adversarial positions. However, when children are involved, parents do try to keep things on an even keel to facilitate better cooperation… Read More »