Monthly Archives: February 2018

Divorcing a Spouse that Lives Out-of-State
Divorce is full of emotional and financial implications that spouses are rarely able to escape. In addition to these complicated issues are the procedural requirements that dictate what spouses must do to complete the divorce process. Most couples filing for divorce are unaware of the large amount of documentation and technical forms that govern… Read More »

Does Infidelity Matter in Divorce?
Marriages end for a large number of reasons, but one circumstance that often drives this decision is infidelity by a spouse. Not being able to trust a spouse to remain faithful is a deal killer for most relationships, and is bound to generate a lot of emotional pain. The wronged spouse may also feel… Read More »

How Federal Tax Reform May Affect Your Divorce
Divorce brings many changes to the life of each spouse, and financial adjustment is one of the most significant and long-lasting of these necessary, and often painful, transitions. Most marriages have one spouse with a notably higher income, usually leaving the other spouse reliant on him/her for providing an acceptable standard of living, as… Read More »

Responding to Interference with Child Custody
Coordinating and cooperating with an ex-spouse over child custody is bound to test even the most patient at some point, but most parents are ultimately able to put their issues aside, and do what is best for their child. However, compromise is not always available if a parent is stubborn in his/her belief that… Read More »