Monthly Archives: December 2017

What Can You Do to Stop Harassing Litigation Tactics?
Divorce and other family law matters frequently provoke strong and conflicting emotions between spouses and parents. If disputes cannot be settled between the parties through mediation, negotiation or another less adversarial resolution method, litigation through the court system is necessary. While litigation is not the preferred approach to resolving legal disputes due to the… Read More »

Who Gets to Keep the Ring in a Divorce or Broken Engagement?
Rings and other jewelry given to commemorate or symbolize the marriage of two people naturally create a lot of emotional attachment for both the giver and receiver. These items are usually quite expensive, and in some relationships, represent the most valuable piece of property either person owns. Thus, when a ring is presented to… Read More »

Negotiating a Fair Property Settlement Agreement in Divorce
Securing a fair and adequate property settlement is a core goal of many divorces. While this issue may be litigated and decided by a court, a judge is limited by the strictures of the law, and importantly, litigation puts the details of the divorce into the public record for friends, family, coworkers and complete… Read More »

Complications of Child Int’l Relocation
Not seeing one’s child on a daily basis due to a shared custody arrangement is one of the hardest aspects of being a single parent. In the best of situations, the child does not live far, allowing a parent easier access and notification if there is a problem or a change in the time-sharing… Read More »