Monthly Archives: November 2017

Legislators Look to End Marriage to Underage Girls
Making the decision to get married should be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, but this happiness is only possible if getting married is chosen and voluntary. If the contrary is true, and a person wants out of the relationship, divorce is the process most people first consider, but there… Read More »

Avoiding Conflict Over Parenting Time During the Holidays
The holidays are traditionally associated with family, friends and celebrating the good things in life. Maintaining this balance can quickly become a challenge when there is a split of parenting time. Each parent has an understandable desire to spend the entire holiday season with their child, but this image is not realistic when child… Read More »

Options When a Parent Lies to Get Custody
Children are a central component of a parent’s life, and sharing them with another person, especially one that until recently was an intimate partner, is understandably difficult. However, it is rare that a parent is completely blocked from exercising any parenting responsibilities, so reconciling the need for long-term cooperation is usually in the best… Read More »

When Would a Court Give Custody to a Non-Parent?
Raising a child without some help and contributions from family and friends is virtually impossible. Childrearing is a full-time, constant endeavor that requires help from the outside for a parent to fulfill his/her responsibilities. However, when it comes to who has final authority over a child, one or both parents are overwhelmingly the only… Read More »