Monthly Archives: August 2017

Getting Divorced When a Spouse Is Nowhere to Be Found
Divorce is usually precipitated by an uncomfortable conversation during which at least one spouse must work up the nerve to say he/she wants out of the marriage. If given the choice, it is likely many would skip this step if at all possible, but they do have the comfort of knowing where their spouse… Read More »

Legal Options When the Alimony Payments Stop
Spousal support, or alimony, is a topic that gets a lot of bad press because of the general assumption that this financial assistance is merely an attempt to gouge an ex-spouse out of more money. However, alimony awards are rarely permanent, and more commonly serve to give an ex-spouse sufficient time to acquire the… Read More »

What to Do When a Spouse Badmouths During a Divorce
Emotions understandably run high during divorce, and things can be said in the moment that are hurtful, but not helpful or accurate. While negative comments said to a spouse in private will not directly result in legal consequences, making disparaging remarks to children or others could lead to unintended and unwanted legal repercussions. Children… Read More »

Property Distribution by Courts Must Be Equitable
Finances are frequently a major concern for someone going through divorce, either as a worry about walking away with enough to cover the costs of daily living, or as anxiety related to the possibility of being required to relinquish a substantial amount. The finances of divorce revolve around the division of marital assets and… Read More »