Monthly Archives: July 2017

What Happens to Health Insurance When Couples Divorce?
Medical care is known to be one of the more expensive, but necessary, items to hit a person’s budget. Most people seek medical insurance through an employer, if available, to defray the costs of obtaining coverage, and most families are covered under one spouse’s insurance – usually the one that offers the best coverage… Read More »

When Will Courts Hear Child Testimony in Family Law Cases?
Numerous studies have supported the finding that divorce negatively affects many children. Certainly, the degree of the impact is likely related to the age of the child when the divorce occurs and the child’s ability to understand the situation, though it is hard to handle a parent divorcing at any age. However, once a… Read More »

Can Divorced Parents Relocate with their Children?
The logistics involved with adhering to a parenting time schedule is bound to challenge any parent at some point. Divorced parents do have an interest in ensuring their child has regular contact with an ex-spouse, but the realities of transporting the child between both households can, and probably will, create difficulties from time-to-time. This… Read More »

Undoing Paternity
Becoming a parent is no small event, and while most couples happily welcome a new child, the same amount of joy may be lacking for men unsure of the child’s paternity. Paternity, from a legal standpoint, typically refers to establishing a legal father for children born out of wedlock. Children born to married couples… Read More »