Monthly Archives: February 2017

What Is Supervised Visitation and When Is It Used?
When parents separate or divorce, a priority for many is making sure they see their children on a regular basis. Frequent parent/child contact is essential for a healthy relationship and the child’s overall development. Consequently, securing sufficient visitation, often called parenting time, is of particular importance to the parent that does not have primary… Read More »

Pregnancy and Divorce
When couples find out the woman is pregnant, there is typically cause for celebration and greater intimacy in the relationship. However, this news is not always a good thing. Couples who are struggling with relationship issues may find a pregnancy pushes them farther apart, and becomes the catalyst for divorce. The combined emotions of… Read More »

What to Expect at Your First Meeting with a Divorce Lawyer
Making the decision to get divorced is hard, and the next step may not be so obvious in the wake of all the emotions divorce typically provokes. But, at some point, most people end up talking with a divorce lawyer. The time leading up to the first meeting is often full of fear and… Read More »

What Can You Do if the Other Parent Ignores the Parenting Plan?
The cornerstones of child custody arrangements in Florida are parenting plans. These documents outline when each parent has physical custody of the child, and the legal authority each holds over important decisions in the child’s life (education, medical care, activities, etc.). In practical terms, both parents must compromise and cooperate with one another in… Read More »